Up for Air

This autumn, Terre Verte is opening its doors to two artists collectives - 'Room to Manoeuvre' and 'A Sometimes Project' to explore and present work on the themes of Air and Water. These are the elements from which life has emerged on Earth, two substances which flow inside and outside our bodies, whose health and balance we need to be most mindful of for our future, and two elements whose colour, voice and energy stirs our spirits and emotions. We are going on a journey.....please join us: it looks like it is going to be exciting !

'Up For Air' by Room to Manoeuvre is a residency/evolving exhibition from the collective - Tina Kutter, Shelley Hodgson and Claire Gladstone - and selected guests, friends and collaborators who will use a variety of media to investigate AIR, the stuff we breathe, the cloak of atmosphere around the whole of our living planet. This will be a 'live' show, so expect to see work-in-progress, artists sparking off each other and don't be surprised if you find yourself sliding from observer to participant.